Health Beyond Hype's Vitamin C product, THE ONE, is more than just the most potent multi-vitamin product on the market because it also feeds the core of your immune system by supporting the digestion process which is the main driver when it comes to immune health.
Digestion has three phases
Digestion – starts in the mouth, then stomach, to the duodenum and the power chain organs i.e. the liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen.
Assimilation starts in the small intestine, then to the ascending colon
Elimination – at the end it should move through the colon and rectum
This 3-phase process is where your health starts and ends, literally. If digestion is weak, assimilation is diminished, and elimination is compromised. Digestion and assimilation play a crucial role in immune health. They are responsible for extracting nutrients from the food we eat and delivering them to the cells in our body. Nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are essential for supporting the immune system and maintaining its optimal function. When digestion and assimilation are compromised, the body may not be able to effectively absorb the nutrients it needs to support immune function. This can result in nutrient deficiencies, which may weaken the immune system and make the body more vulnerable to infections and illnesses.
In addition, the gut plays a key role in immune health as well. The digestive system is home to a large portion of the body's immune cells and plays a crucial role in the body's defense against harmful pathogens. A healthy gut lining prevents harmful substances from entering the bloodstream and triggering an immune response. At Health Beyond Hype, we take this process very seriously and have created each of our products to not only aid in the digestive process but also help repair and tonify the entire GI TRACT.
Nutrient activation relies on Vitamin C, and all soft tissue relies on Vitamin C to help heal and tonify the gut lining. Vitamin C along cannot heal the gut, that is why we added additional herbs to our formula to ensure, the process that is so critical to your health, is being addressed as thoroughly as possible.
And there more...much more, because this formula is so instrumental in supporting digestion, you get the added benefits of tissue and immune health, which leads to better skin, hair and nail appearance and performance. ITS A SUPER TONIC and if you can only afford ONE product, then take THE ONE.
Relying on getting your micro-nutrients (the nutrients that actual feed your organ/gland systems) from the food sources in this day and age, is only going to compromise your immune system and your health. This is not a “supplement”, it’s the missing components your diet can no longer provide due to our compromised farming and environmental conditions.